Thai Thara

Spa Amsterdam

Do you suffer from stress or fatigue? Have you recently noticed that there is a physical or an emotional blockage? It is wise to do something about this in time, for example with us in the Spa in Amsterdam . We ensure that we can treat you in a pleasant way or you can take a seat in the sauna or steam cabin. Are you looking for a Spa in Amsterdam where you can relax and where the specialists can tell you more about the different treatments? You have come to the right place.

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Thai massage
from € 45,-
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One and
double rooms
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Thai massage on
heated mattress
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Daily 0pen from
11:00 AM until 9:00 PM

Thai spa & wellness in Amsterdam

Make an appointment online

For more information about a massage or spa treatment from Thai Thara or questions about the possibilities, you can contact us by calling 020 233 38 22 (Amstelkade 66), 020 363 64 82 (Bilderdijkstraat 132) or send an email to

make an appointment